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Watch Fullscript come to life in the 3X4 platform

Key features

On-demand access to industry-leading genetic tests based on 20+ years of scientific research and clinical practice
Access to an online community of over 500 practitioners to network, collaborate, and brainstorm
Genetics Translation Training to help practitioners translate test results to actionable insights
Exclusive access to workshops and events lead by industry thought leaders
Genetic Testing Integration Training to seamlessly include genetic testing into a practitioner’s practice

How to integrate your Fullscript and 3X4 platforms:

First, make sure you have both a 3X4 and Fullscript account.

Sign up for Fullscript — it’s free.

Create a Fullscript account

Get started with 3X4 Genetics.

Create a 3X4 Genetics account

Already have both?

Integration guide

integrations partner screenshot of 3X4 Genetics platform partner settings

1. Sign in to 3X4 Genetics

Click on Partners from the navigation bar and locate the Fullscript widget. In the Fullscript widget, click Authorize.

integrations partner screenshot of Fullscript authorization pop-up

2. Use your Fullscript credentials to sign in

The Fullscript authorization widget will load. Use your Fullscript credentials (username and password) to sign in to Fullscript. You’ll then be prompted to authorize 3X4 Genetics to access your account. Click Authorize Application to complete.

With Fullscript, I’ve expanded my ability to offer a range of innovative supplements. It lets me track patient compliance and make personalized corrections 24/7.
Dr. Ronald Hoffman – MD
integrations partner headshot of Dr. Ronald Hoffman, MD

Frequently asked questions

How is a DNA sample collected?

All that’s required for the test is a quick and pain-free 60-second rub with a cotton swab on the inside of the cheek. No blood is needed from the patient for the test.

What types of practitioners commonly use 3X4 Genetics?

3X4 Genetics can be used by MDs, NDs, and other integrative practitioners. The majority of current users are RDs and Nutritionists.

What do the 3×4 Genetics lab results look like?

Feel free to download a sample result report on the 3X4 Genetics website.

Book a free demo to learn more about Fullscript and integrations