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Watch Fullscript come to life in the Acusimple platform

Key features

Conduct real-time telemedicine appointments within the Acusimple platform.
Add customizable acupuncture tools through additional widgets.
Send and receive HIPAA compliant emails, faxes, and SMS text messages.
Manage your pharmacy and formulas to stay on track of in-office dispensing.
Patients can schedule online, review documents, pay invoices, and message practitioners through the secure patient portal.
Access resources like the Acupuncture Point Reference, Single Herb Reference, and Chinese Pharmacy library.

How to integrate your Fullscript and Acusimple platforms:

First, make sure you have both a Acusimple and Fullscript account.

Sign up for Fullscript — it’s free.

Create a Fullscript account

Get started with Acusimple.

Create a Acusimple account

Already have both?

We partner with complementary organizations that practitioners love, like Fullscript, to expand our customers’ resources and optmize their workflows.
Dan Axelrod – CEO Acusimple
integrations partner headshot of Dan Axelrod, CEO of Acusimple

Frequently asked questions

How much does Acusimple cost?

Acusimple has various tiered plans at different prices. For a full pricing list, click here.

What happens if you click on Create Treatment plan to a patient account that doesn’t have an email?

Since an email address is mandatory on Fullscript, if you attempt to redirect to Fullscript without an email address, the system will prompt you to add a patient email.

Is the Acusimple integration bidirectional?

Yes it is! As soon as a patient email is detected in Acusimple as available on Fullscript, the entire Fullscript recommendation history is pulled in and displayed under the Recommend Fullscript tab within the EHR.

Book a free demo to learn more about Fullscript and integrations