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Watch Fullscript come to life in the Living Plate Rx platform

Key features

Comprehensive Dashboard: Keep up to date on your practice with an easy-to-use dashboard to manage client plans, access full marketing support and generate subscription, revenue and payment reports.
Recipe Editor: Add your own recipes to your recipe box with automatic nutrition analysis and label generation.
Customer Service: Get the help from trusted sources (RDs) for recipe content, meal plans, and grocery lists. Customer service is also there to handle any general, software and payment issues.
Payment Processing: With payment integration enabled, you don’t have to manually update any of your records. Every time you generate a new sale online, that transaction is automatically reflected.
Signature Meal Planner: Create custom plans by accessing an extensive recipe database. Save time by generating URLs for easy client sign-ups and get access unlimited PDF generation of meal plans for those clients who prefer static plans.
Nutrition and Culinary Library: Access a growing collection of evidence-based nutrition education content that can be edited and branded to your liking.

How to integrate your Fullscript and Living Plate Rx platforms:

First, make sure you have both a Living Plate Rx and Fullscript account.

Sign up for Fullscript — it’s free.

Create a Fullscript account

Get started with Living Plate Rx.

Create a Living Plate Rx account

Already have both?

Integration guide

integrations partner screenshot of location of Fullscript integration in Living Plate Rx account settings

1. Log into Living Plate Rx

Click on “Account” on the left hand control panel and locate the “Connect Fullscript” button (on the right hand panel).

integrations partner screenshot of Fullscript authorization pop-up

2. Click on "Connect Fullscript"

Use your Fullscript credentials (username and password) to login to Fullscript. You’ll then be prompted to authorize Living Plate Rx to access your account. Click “Authorize Application” to complete.

Want a step-by-step tutorial?

See how easy it is to sync your Fullscript and Living Plate Rx accounts, and how you can incorporate virtual dispensing with your nutrition plans.

Frequently asked questions

How much does Living Plate Rx cost?

Our current pricing is $799/year or $79/month as we have added more value and content to our membership.

What types of practitioners commonly use Living Plate Rx?

Living Plate Rx is designed for dietitians, nutritionists and other credentialed healthcare professionals.

Can I customize or make my own programs?

Yes! Besides accessing an extensive collection of evidence-based nutrition education content you can build your own programs or customize current ones by adding more content and supplements.

Book a free demo to learn more about Fullscript and integrations