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Watch Fullscript come to life in the OfficePro Suite

Key features

Seamlessly integrate an online dispensary solution into your workflow from any device.
Access Fullscript recommendation history within the chart module.
Charting that is HIPAA compliant and accessible from anywhere with NaturaeSoft’s Private cloud.
Integrate other products of NaturaeSoft such as PatientPro and BillPro for an all-encompassing practice management solution.
Document patient encounters, plans, and recommendations rapidly, thoroughly, and effectively.

How to integrate your Fullscript and OfficePro Suite:

First, make sure you have both a OfficePro and Fullscript account.

Sign up for Fullscript — it’s free.

Create a Fullscript account

Get started with OfficePro.

Book a demo

Already have both?

“I would have never thought Fullscript had an integration with my EHR. When I heard it existed I was floored! It immediately became a priority feature!”
Dr. Antonella Aguilera-Ruiz, ND
integrations partner headshot of Dr. Antonella Aguilera-Ruiz, ND

Frequently asked questions

I am unable to access General Settings > Add ons in my account

This is likely because you are not the administrator of your NaturaeSoft account. Only the administrator user can initially set up the integration. Connect with your administrator user and ask them to turn on the setting to “Allow providers to have their own Fullscript accounts?”

As a non-administrator user in NaturaeSoft, where do I go to activate my Fullscript integration?

Assuming that the administrator turned on the setting to “Allow providers to have their own Fullscript accounts”, you would need to go to Tools > Fullscript to integrate your own account.

Can I see all my Fullscript patients in NaturaeSoft automatically?

The integration works in migrating patient details from NaturaeSoft to Fullscript. Thus, you will need to add your patients in NaturaeSoft. But as soon as you add your patient in NaturaeSoft and click on the Fullscript tabs, it automatically imports the entire Fullscript history.

How much does NaturaeSoft cost?

NatureaSoft offers a variety of solutions and very flexible tiered pricing. Check out their services and pricing here.

Book a free demo to learn more about Fullscript and integrations