
Here’s How To Address Digestive Problems, Naturally | Fullscript
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Here’s How To Address Digestive Problems, Naturally

Do you suffer from digestive problems? Gastrointestinal symptoms, such as heartburn, bloating, and constipation, may be an occasional occurrence or an indication of a more serious condition, such as a gastrointestinal disorder or disease. While health conditions should always be addressed with the help of your healthcare provider, learning about lifestyle approaches that support your gastrointestinal system can empower you to make helpful changes.

Addressing digestive problems

Generally, addressing digestive problems involves avoiding or minimizing factors that are known to impair gastrointestinal health, while making lifestyle changes that support the gastrointestinal system. Evidence-based tips for gastrointestinal health are outlined below; however, it’s important to consult your integrative healthcare practitioner for help addressing your individual digestive problems.

Foods that help digestion

The best dietary components and best foods for digestion include:

An overall dietary pattern that focuses on increasing plant-based foods and moderating red meat intake may help improve microbial diversity and regulate bowel habits in individuals with IBD, (8) as well as reduce colon cancer risk. (5)

A plant-based diet, high in fiber, fermented foods, and prebiotics, can help support your gastrointestinal system.

Foods that harm digestion

Certain foods and dietary components should be avoided or minimized, as they may damage the gastrointestinal barrier (lining), (5) impair microbial balance, (8) and contribute to or trigger digestive symptoms. (15) Foods that have been found to impair digestive health include:

Overall, a typical Western diet is detrimental to microbiome health and may contribute to digestive problems. Western diets are generally high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, animal proteins, and calories and low in fruits, vegetables, and dietary fiber. (8)(9)

Individuals with food allergies or intolerances may benefit from an elimination diet to identify dietary triggers and/or to help manage their symptoms. (5) One example is the low-FODMAP diet, which eliminates a group of poorly-digested carbohydrates and polyols and is commonly used in the treatment of functional gastrointestinal disorders. (18)

Meal size

If you suffer from digestive problems such as GERD or functional dyspepsia, having large meals may trigger your symptoms. Consuming smaller meals is often recommended as part of the treatment for these conditions. (12)

Medication check

Several common pharmaceuticals have been associated with digestive symptoms. (5)(12) One example, proton pump inhibitors, are a group of acid-blocking medications that are commonly used to treat GERD. Excessive (i.e., long-term) use of proton pump inhibitors may result in malabsorption, contribute to nutrient deficiencies, and promote bacterial growth in the small intestine (i.e., dysbiosis). (12) If you’re a patient, speak to your practitioner about digestive side effects of any medications you take. Remember, you should never change or stop your medications without consulting your healthcare provider.


Research has associated reduced fluid intake with an increased risk of constipation. Trials in individuals with constipation have examined the effects of increasing water intake to at least 68 oz (2 L) per day, either on its own or in combination with fiber supplementation. In both cases, increasing water intake may improve stool regularity. (14) To help maintain bowel regularity, ensure you drink at least 68 oz (2 L) of water daily.

Yoga for digestion

Research suggests that regular yoga practice may help alleviate digestive problems. A systematic review found that practicing yoga is associated with decreased IBS severity, bowel symptoms, and anxiety, as well as improved physical functioning and quality of life in individuals with IBS. The authors note that further high-quality studies are needed to inform specific recommendations for yoga for digestion. (20)

Yoga poses for digestion that have been used in IBS interventions include:

Exercise for digestion

Regular physical activity may have a protective effect against digestive problems such as IBD due to the anti-inflammatory effects of exercise. Trials in individuals with IBD suggest that regular exercise is associated with a reduced risk of progressing from remission to active disease state. Further, moderate exercise such as walking, running, or yoga can improve quality of life in these individuals. It’s important to note that moderation is key, as high-intensity exercise may trigger inflammation followed by immune function suppression. (4)

Alcohol moderation

Excessive alcohol consumption has been shown to result in dysbiosis, intestinal inflammation, and damage to digestive organs and intestinal lining (i.e., increased intestinal permeability). Chronic alcohol intake is associated with an increased risk of digestive diseases such as alcoholic liver disease and gastrointestinal cancers. (6) Current recommendations for alcohol intake in adults are a daily limit of two standard drinks for men and one standard drink for women. A standard drink is defined as a 12 oz (355 mL) regular beer (5% alcohol), a 5 oz (148 mL) glass of wine (12% alcohol), or 1.5 oz (44 mL) of 80 proof distilled spirits (40% alcohol). (22)

Smoking cessation

Cigarette smoke may harm the gastrointestinal system by damaging gut mucosa, impairing mucosal immune function, and irritating the gastrointestinal tract. Smoking cigarettes has been associated with an increased risk of many digestive conditions, including IBD, peptic ulcer disease, and colon, esophageal, liver, pancreatic, and stomach cancers. Speak to your healthcare provider for support and resources to help you quit smoking. (2)

Did you know? Over 60 carcinogenic and harmful chemicals have been identified in cigarette smoke. (2)


Research has found strong associations between sleep disturbances and digestive problems, which may result from the increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines seen following sleep dysfunction. There seems to be a bidirectional relationship in which poor sleep may exacerbate gastrointestinal symptoms, and digestive issues may interrupt the sleep-wake cycle and harm sleep. (13) For information on improving your sleep health, visit the Fullscript blog.

Did you know? Approximately 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders. (13)


Certain dietary supplements, such as peppermint oil, have been researched for their benefits in digestive problems.

Gut health supplements

Various supplements may help support digestion and improve symptoms in digestive conditions. It’s important to consult with your integrative healthcare practitioner for individual guidance on gut health supplements as certain products may worsen digestive symptoms when taken inappropriately. (3)

Digestive enzyme supplements

A randomized trial in individuals with digestive problems compared the effects of full-spectrum plant-based digestive enzyme supplements with a pharmaceutical medication that increases gastrointestinal motility. After a five-day intervention, both treatments were associated with a significant improvement of symptoms, with the digestive enzyme group experiencing greater improvements in abdominal pain. (17)

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil, derived from the plant Mentha piperita, contains an active compound called L-menthol, which has been found to have antispasmodic effects in the gastrointestinal tract. A meta-analysis of trials of peppermint oil supplementation in individuals with IBS concluded that peppermint oil is a safe and effective intervention, reducing pain and IBS symptoms. (1)


Systematic reviews of probiotic supplementation in individuals with IBS have shown that probiotics may reduce pain and symptoms such as bloating and flatulence. (10)(11) The benefits of probiotics for digestive problems may result from modulating neurotransmitters involved in pain, supporting gut barrier function, and improving inflammatory profiles. (10)

Soluble dietary fiber

A type of fiber known as soluble fiber, found in supplements including psyllium and guar gum, may help improve abdominal pain, regulate bowel movements, modulate microbial balance, and decrease symptom severity in individuals with IBS. (3)(16)(23)

The bottom line

You can maintain the health of your gastrointestinal system by incorporating certain lifestyle behaviors, such as consuming foods that help digestion, exercising regularly, practicing yoga for digestion, and minimizing your exposure to substances such as alcohol and cigarette smoke. (5) When recommended by your practitioner, gut health supplements may also be used to address digestive problems.

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