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Added Security with 2-Step Verification

What’s new

We’ve launched 2-step verification to provide all Fullscript users the option of adding an extra layer of security to their accounts. Getting set up is easy! Practitioners and patients can generate a unique code via the email address associated with their Fullscript account, through SMS if they have phone numbers assigned to their profiles, or a third-party authentication app on their mobile device.

Once setup is complete, users will be prompted to enter a unique code each time they sign in to Fullscript to verify their identity. If they can’t generate a code for some reason, they can always use the shared backup code they received after setting up 2-step verification. Either way, patients and practitioners can rest assured that their sensitive account information is now covered by an extra layer of protection.

Why did we build this?

We’re committed to protecting sensitive information in all our users’ accounts. That’s why we implement additional layers of security, like 2-step verification.

Through 2-step verification, practitioners, their staff, and their patients have a tool that allows them to prevent nefarious access to everything from their health information, banking details, and contact information.

Practitioners and patients place their trust in Fullscript when they create an account. They provide sensitive information when they create and are subscribed optimal supplement plans. That’s why we give all our users the option of doubly protecting such information as practitioner messages, purchase history, contact information, and financial details through 2-step verification.

This release:

The bottom line

Setting up 2-step verification is an easy way for practitioners, their staff, and patients to protect sensitive information in their Fullscript accounts, including health, financial, and other personal details. Get started by heading to the Security section of your Account settings or by contacting our support team at  

Want to see what other platform improvements we’ve made so far? Check out the spotlight page on our blog.

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