curcumin blog post
Curcumin is the plant-based chemical that gives turmeric its electric yellow colour. It’s most well studied as a treatment for inflammation caused by chronic conditions.
headaches: hunting down the cause of your pain blog post
Headaches: Hunting Down The Cause Of Your Pain
Researchers have classified many different types of headaches that include sinus, exertion, fever, menstrual, and bilious headaches.
vitamin d blog post
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is involved with several important organ systems in the body and its deficiency can cause many different health problem
probiotics blog post
Key to maintaining a healthy microbial balance, probiotics are the group of “helpful” microorganisms within your gut.
vitamin c blog post
Vitamin C
It’s not just in your orange juice! Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for human survival. The human body does not produce vitamin C...
fish oil blog post
Fish Oil
Made from one or several kinds of fish, Fish oil and its properties are commonly used for their anti-inflammatory effects.
2 supplements you didn’t know to use for cold and flu season blog post
2 Supplements You Didn’t Know To Use For Cold and Flu Season
You have likely heard of zinc, echinacea, and vitamin C for their roles in cold and flu prevention/treatment. But they aren't the only supplements...
how to help your patients avoid the december health slump blog post
How To Help Your Patients Avoid The December Health Slump
It is evident that there is a slump in health-focused activities during the first month of winter, and we want to give you the tools and tips to avoid the December slump with your patients.